Sunday, September 30, 2012


Title: Pros and Cons of Prop 30

Author: I am a 2nd year, 19 year old college student currently attending community college with the support of student aid.

Topic: Proposition 30 is a state tax measure that will increase income taxes to those earning $250,000 or more to raise money for the safety departments and the CA education system, specifically for K-12 and also community colleges.

Exigence: Prop 30 will affect the education system direly if it does not pass, but if it does pass then it will have a much ne eded benefit on schools state-wide.

Intended Audience: It is for anyone that is a voter that cares about our state's education system, either being for it, against it, or uninformed about prop 30.

Claim: Proposition 30, if passed, will be beneficial to the education system as a whole, and make it easier to educate our youth in the future.

Logos: If Prop 30 passes we will see an increase in taxes for people earning over $250,000 in a fiscal year for the next 7 years and also a 1/4 cent increase in sales tax over the next 4 years, helping generate approximately $6.6 billion dollars in revenue that will dispersed to the education system. 89% will go to levels K-12 and the remaining 11% will go to community colleges. Prop 30 also guarantees that funds will be raised for the safety departments out of the remaining budget. But if Prop 30 fails in the polls then consequently approximately $5.3 billion dollars will be cut from the Education system. Also with the Fail of Prop 30 we will see a $250 million dollar budget cut in CSU system that would be effective immediately.

Ethos: I connect to this subject because if Prop 30 passes or fails it affects me personally, and also any other student in the California Education system. With as bad as budget cuts have been in the last few years its getting harder and harder for students to continue their education. Also with the budget cuts community colleges have faced; classes got bigger but the selection has gotten smaller because teachers have been laid off making the coveted two-years then done and off to University nearly impossible simply because community colleges are getting over-crowded.

Pathos: Why would you want to make it harder to be successful in life? if Prop 30 fails, the "American Dream" will become even more of a myth as it is right now. But if it passes then students statewide will have a fighting chance to achieve their dream and live the "American Dream." Prop 30 also induces hope into the future of the education system because with this extra help kids can have a brighter future to look towards to and might have a chance to change the world, But only passing Prop 30 will allow that extra chance.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Luke. You have a nicely organized rough draft. I like the comparison to Old Europe taxation. The only improvement would be grammar in the 1st paragraph, last sentence, (future for you states) and a couple commas throughout. If you read it out loud I'm sure you'll catch them.
    Overall it flows very well.
